Construction Institute

CTTC Construction Institute Our Vocational and Technical Classes have been developed since 2005 and we are an all time favorite with seven Vocational Classes and twenty four technical classes.

Kilmarnock Featuring our Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry, Welding, Painting, Steel Work and Missionary in our Vocational line up of classes. Two of our largest and favorite Technical classes are Construction Quality Management “CQM” and General Safety and Health, both USACE Certified classes conducted weekly.

More information on these classes as well as our specialized classes is available on our web site. We feature excellent job placement with various contractors in the area for the various trade specialties. Typically our vocational classes are four weeks in length and are thought in Dari, Pashto and English. Our Job placement has been at 87%.

Call us: 0700237665
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Find us: House# 555, opposite old UN Compound, East Shirpoor Square,1003, Kabul, Afghanistan

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