Introduction to Homeopathic Medicine
A Program Designed for Physicians in Afghanistan
Homeopathy, a 200 years-old system of natural medicine, is internationally recognized as an alternative and complementary therapy. Holistic, scientifically based, safe to use, and inexpensive, homeopathy treats acute illnesses as well as chronic diseases. It is a complementary modality to other therapies such as herbal medicine, nutritional programs, acupuncture, and mind-body medicine. Homeopathy has been recognized for its success in treating historic epidemics including flu, malaria, cholera and typhoid.
Program Description
This 80-hour program is designed for physicians living and practicing in Afghanistan. This program is taught by faculty from the American Medical College of Homeopathy. It is delivered in a synchronous online format on weekday evenings over a 4 month period. The program consists of two 40-hour courses: Introduction to Homeopathy and Introduction to the Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer.
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The Introduction to Homeopathy 40-hour course is a practical and comprehensive introduction to first aid and acute care problems using classical homeopathy. Each class consists of lectures on Theory and Philosophy, Materia Medica for acute care problems, case-work and repertory work. There will be reading assignments, homework and quizzes. At the end of this course you will be able to competently use homeopathic remedies for first aid and acute care problems. The Introduction to Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer is a40-hour course which provides a practical introduction to homeopathic treatment of cancer.
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- Participants meet two evenings per week
- (7:30 – 10:30PM) for 3 – 4 months, students attend via live webinar.
- Start Date: Fall, 2016
- Todd Rowe MD, MD (heart), CCH, DHt: Program Director
- Lauri Grossman DC, CCH: Core Faculty
- Debbie Noah, MA CCH: Core Faculty
Medical Training Programs
- Diploma in Health Studies
- Advanced Homeopathic Cancer Cure
- Homeopathic Diabetes Cure Course
- First Aid Training
- Emergency Management Course
- Diploma in Psychology
- Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education
- Advanced Homeopathic Pediatrics Course

Diabetes Diagnosis, Treatment and Opportunities
This multidisciplinary course will emphasize the diagnosis an treatment of diabetes. Topics will include patient self-management, appropriate use of technologies, nutrition, behavior modification and pharmacotherapy in the management of this disease. The course will conclude by summarizing new basic science research regarding the pathophysiology and treatment of diabetes.

The New Diet From Gastronomy to Health
This multidisciplinary course will emphasize the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. Topics will include patient self-management, appropriate use of technologies, nutrition, behavior modification and pharmacotherapy in the management of this disease. The course will conclude by summarizing new basic science research regarding the pathophysiology and treatment of diabetes.

Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
This course cover the basics of normal nutrition for optimal health outcomes and evidence-based diets for a variety of diseases.
- Module 1: Introduction to Nutrition Science
- Module 2: Heart Disease
- Module 3: Diabetes
- Module 4: Cancer
- Module 5: Obesity and Weight Management
- Module 6: Disorder of the GI Tract

Genes & the Human Condition (Behavior to Biotechnology)
Presenting and understanding of the fundamental concepts of genomics and biotechnology, and their implications for human biology, evolution, medicine, social policy and individual life path choice in the 21st century.
- Key Concepts and Terms used, How to study genome?
- Where we can begin to intervene to take control of our future?
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