Masonry Classes

buy Ivermectin scabies online COURSE Description:This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of mason in accordance with industry standards. It covers specialized competencies such as; Lay brick/block for structure, plaster concrete/masonry surface and Install pre-cast baluster and handrails. It also includes competencies in workplace communication, team work, safety, use of hand tools, and house keeping.
Sumbe Course Components:Upon completion of the module the trainees/students should be able to: BASIC COMPETENCIES (18 Hours)

  1. Participate in workplace communication
  2. Work in a team environment
  3. Practice career professionalism
  4. Practice occupational health and safety


  1. Prepare Construction Materials and Tools
  2. Perform mensuration and calculation
  3. Maintain tools and equipment
  4. Observe procedures, specifications and manuals of instructions
  5. Interpret technical drawings and plans


  1. Prepare Masonry materials
  2. Perform basic masonry works
  3. Lay brick/block for structure
  4. Plaster wall surface
  5. Install pre-cast balusters and handrail

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